Search Pallet

#1 Search Pallet


The pallet management procedure has been created in order to enable the user to search easily for pallet previously inserted with the task to view, edit and delete them. Starting from Pallet management it is possible perform all necessary operations, after having obtained the necessary rights.

The pallet management procedure consists as follows:

RIBBON BAR: the ribbon bar represents the Form menu, that is the area on which it is possible to perform actions as regards the preexistent pallet, rather than the generation of a new one. The list of features is the following:

SearchButton to apply search filters to the whole database of pallet in system.
New PalletIt refers to the procedure to insert a new pallet.
Delete PalletIt refers to the procedure to delete a pallet.
New Pallet ItemIt refers to the procedure to insert one or more items within the selected pallet.
Delete Pallet ItemIt refers to the procedure to delete one or more items within the selected Pallet.
Multiple Pallet Insertion It performs the procedure to insert more items within a pallet (it regards a window that enables the user to insert items quickly).
Insert Orders in PalletIt enables the user to insert items of a sales order into a pallet. This procedure creates a link between Pallet and Sales Order.
Links - Procedures
Sales ReturnIt performs the procedure to create delivery note document starting from a picking.
Load PalletIt performs the procedure to create invoice document starting from a picking.
Unload PalletIt performs the procedure to create POS document starting from a picking.
View Load RecordIt opens the pallet load stock record.
View Unload RecordIt opens the pallet unload stock record.
Rollback Pallet LoadIf the pallet is loaded it is possible to perform the rollback of load stock record.
Rollback Pallet UnloadIf the pallet is loaded and unloaded it is possible to performs the rollback of unload stock record.
Add/Remove ItemsAfter having inserted the user that has to have rights related to the 'remove pallet' procedure of an unload template, this function enables the user to remove a quantity by pallet and to unload it directly or to unload and load the same quantity on another pallet. In that case the user will have rights related to the 'load pallet' procedure linked to a load template.
Confirm Transfer
Move PalletIt enables the user to move pallet from a location to another one.
PreviewIt shows the print preview.
PrintIt prints the search result and activates the printed flag on pallet.
Rollback ReportIt disables the printed flag on pallet.

FILTER AREA: The filter area contains the list of the possible data types thanks to which it is possible to perform a selection, a research on the total of sales order lines inserted in system. Typically Filters have 'AND' condition and it is possible to specify more filter criteria at the same time.

RESULT GRID: the result grid represents the list of pallets that correspond to the filter data above mentioned. After having specified the values through which to obtain a pallet research the user, by clicking on the [Ricerca] button in the related Ribbon, will obtain the list of the desired pallet in the result grid. The information, that can be read by this grid, regard: pallet identification (through year, group, number and type field), pallet dimension, pallet status (moved or not), pallet number list, warehouse, the related load number and so on.

DETAIL GRID: the detail grid shows the content of the pallet selected in the result grid. The information, that can be read by this grid, regard the item identification number or the one of items contained in the selected pallet, the quantity and possibly information about Starting Sales Order document.

BuildDate : 24 giugno 2013

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